Did The Grace Work?

Aug 6, 2017    Apostle Brian G.Fite

So many people claim to be saved by grace, but when we consider discipleship and the commitment to serve the kingdom, we must ask “did the grace work?” Is grace a concept to allow us to live our lives believing that God has forgiven our sins, or is grace a transforming agent that has impacted us to surrender to the Lordship of Yeshua the Christ to allow God to reign and ruler over us? Grace is powerful and all consuming so did it work? In this text many disciples could not handle the commitment that Christ presented. Instead of Christ giving them more information and time to adjust instead he asks them “does this offend us?” God sent salvation through Christ to restore humankind to a committed relationship of intimacy through worship and love through service. Is this the life we are pursuing? If not, we must ask ourselves, “did the grace work?” This is not to say that grace cannot work. This is to say we must allow the grace to transform us. We cannot simply repeat the words, we must surrender our lives for the grace to work.